Raceview Mill Units Broughshane, County Antrim
Raceview Mill Units Broughshane, Ballymena
Raceview Mill Broughshane, has instructed Slemish Design Studio Architects to act as architects for the proposed Enterprise Units at Raceview Mill, Broughshane, County Antrim.
Slemish Design Studio Architects are working along with Ross Planning, planning consultants and our clients Raceview Mill Ltd.
Our plan is to create a spectacular mixed-use development that will draw tourists to the village of Broughshane.
The first phase is to build a new workspace for local enterprises. These will be designed in a similar style to the other mill buildings. These could be opened in February 2104 and leased from £35 a week.
Other options are that he old mill buildings could be used for storage for the units and arts and crafts area.
A later phase hopes to see the creation of boutique hotel rooms; these will overlook the Braid River and the transformation of the main building in to a restaurant, remodelling the old water tower in to a glass tower with views of Slemish.
Click on Raceview Mill Website and Facebook page for more information on the current and future proposal.
check out our social media pages for more information