Social Housing Finnamore, Cork, Republic of Ireland
Cork social housing development
Social housing development was designed on a very tight site in Finnebrogue, Cork, Republic of Ireland. The brief was to provide retirement house that could be sold or rented to those wishing to downsize in later life but still provide a social and interactive environment.
The scheme was designed for 7 units each with their own individual design and aesthetics with them all coming together to portray a micro community. The design of materials and buildings where thought through to achieve a comfortable and reassuring presence taking account of elements such as amenity, maintenance and security.
The aim of Housing and Community Directorate is to ensure that every household can obtain a dwelling of good standard at a price or rent it can afford. In order that the aim can be achieved it is important that unfit and overcrowded houses be eliminated, that the demand for houses be met as it arises, that the structural and environmental standards of housing be improved on a constant basis and that owner occupation be encouraged to the fullest extent compatible with national economic and social development.