Exciting expansion plans announced at Iron’s Home Bakery

We are pleased to have gotten planning approval for Iron’s Home Bakery Extension in Harryville, Ballymena

3D image of proposed new frontage to Iron’s Home Bakery

Irons Home Bakery was established almost 50 years ago by Mr W. J. Irons. After serving his time as a baker in Belfast and then in Morton and Simpson’s in Ballymena, Mr Irons started the bakery not far from where he lived, along with his wife Anna.

The bakery always had a strong family focus and today the business is run by his daughter, Peggy Eaton and his granddaughter Rachel. Mr Irons’s other granddaughter Rebecca also helps out on a Saturday and Mr Irons can still be spotted coming in to check all produce is up to his standards.

On a Facebook post from Iron’s they said

We have been granted planning approval to move our existing shop into what was Hillis’s newsagents – just next door to us!

We are so grateful for your patience as you stand outside queuing in all weathers.

The new shop will be bigger so less time standing out in the rain & this larger shop will also allow us to provide you with an even better selection of goodies!

Thanks for your support which has kept us going for over 50 years now! Here’s to the next 50!

And thanks to Slemish Design Studio Architects for getting us here!

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